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Radio Work

Click the buttons in the descriptions to hear the radio pieces.


Drapers Jazz Festival package

This piece was made for ICOV Radio about a Jazz festival at a local bar in Coventry.


Medical Cannabis Package

Here is a piece made about the legalisation of medical cannabis, shortly after the law change took place.


Suzi Ruffell Interview

My interview with comedian Suzi Ruffell ahead of her performance at the Warwick Arts Centre.


Homelessness Act Package

A report on the Homelessness Act's introduction in Coventry.


2-Tone Taxi Report

A report on the 2-Tone Taxi, a London Taxicab painted with a mural of the city of Coventry to support the ultimately successful bid for City of Culture 2021.


Mental Health Bus Report

In this piece I interviewed Eddie O'Callaghan on the vintage bus he owned which he'd turned into a vintage clothing shop and was using the money to raise awareness of mental health problems.


Christmas Cuisine Around the World Report

I interviewed international members of the Coventry population on how they celebrate Christmas.


University Newsday Newsreader Piece

As part of one of my course's Newsdays, I read the radio news bulletin.


News Package (one minute)

Here I read the news for a University Newsday.

Radio Work: List
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