Bonjour Allergicos! Today I'm reviewing something that, as a person allergic to eggs, I have missed a lot. When I was younger I'd go to France regularly and the Pain au Chocolat was one of the best food moments for me of the trip. However after I realised about my egg allergy, their delicious chocolately selves were out of my grasp. So you can imagine my excitement when I found these vegan ones! I have tried another vegan brand before, but they were full of all sorts of chemicals which meant they didn't taste that great. These on the other hand, had good-quality ingredients so I was excited to try them. But are they as good as the original kind?
Answer: ABSOLUTELY! They were warm and gooey and sweet and reminded me of being that little kid sitting down at breakfast in many a hotel in France with a lovely warm Pain au Chocolat. I highly recommend them. Cost-wise they are good too as on TheVeganKind supermarket, they retail at £2.50, but they regularly sell out so get in there quickly!