The GREATEST Sandwich!
Hello Allergicos, welcome back to the blog! We've been away for a while but now we're back and have we got something special for you!...
Hello Allergicos, welcome back to the blog! We've been away for a while but now we're back and have we got something special for you!...
Happy Wednesday Allergicos! What with Bonfire Night being tomorrow, it's quite apt I'm reviewing a spicy curry instant ramen. You may...
As you'll be aware Allergicos, in the world of allergy-friendly food, some versions of popular foods are easier to find than others, with...
This week we've got a sweet treat review for you Allergicos. Sweet Freedom's Choc Shot range has become very popular as a low-calorie and...
This week Allergicos, I'm reviewing Organico's Organic Garlic Spread and Dip and what with Halloween just over two weeks away, the timing...
This week Allergicos, we're reviewing something that, whilst it hasn't been on the market that long has already become a market leader:...
Allergicos, it's fair to say that the subject of this week's review is a firm favourite the world over. Ramen is arguably one of the most...
Allergicos, it's fair to say this week's snack selection proved interesting. Other Foods' snacks are dried versions of various different...
Welcome back Allergicos! This week, I'm reviewing Serious Pig's Snacking Pickles, which are minature gherkins flavoured with dill and...
Allergicos! This week I'm reviewing a delicious snack that's been a firm favourite of our Editor's since she came across them at a food...
For people with certain allergies, chocolates can be a bit of a minefield, especially when it comes to ones like gianduja which are the...
Hello Allergicos! This Wednesday we're bringing you another brand which combines a delicious product with important charity work. Tony's...
Hello Allergicos! This week we're going indulgent and reviewing Enjoy!'s Magical Mint Fudge flavour. As fudge is often very dairy-heavy,...
Hello Allergicos! This week I'm reviewing some very special snacks because as well as being delicious, their profits go towards a really...
Bonjour Allergicos! Today I'm reviewing something that, as a person allergic to eggs, I have missed a lot. When I was younger I'd go to...
Hello Allergicos! Today I'm reviewing a product that's caused much excitement since Kettle announced its release. The Kettle Vegan...
Welcome back Allergicos to our weekly reviews! This week we're reviewing Captain Kombucha's original flavour which retails at £2.89 for...
Hello Allergicos! Today I'll be reviewing Suma's vegan and organic mushroom soup which retails at £2.15 from TheVeganKind Supermarket...
Hello Allergicos! I hope you're doing well and staying safe in this trying time. I'm currently working on our exciting Autumn edition of...
For all her life, Journalism Student Maisie Hancox has suffered from two very common allergens. But the 22-year-old from Stratford upon...