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Allergico Talks to: Maisie Hancox

Writer: Sophie WallaceSophie Wallace

For all her life, Journalism Student Maisie Hancox has suffered from two very common allergens. But the 22-year-old from Stratford upon Avon says that by learning to cook from scratch, she's been able to manage her condition.

In the first of the "Allergico Talks to:" series, we asked her for tips and advice about managing allergies, as well as what her favourite recipes are!

What are you allergic to?

I’m allergic to Seafood and I am dairy intolerant also. I also suffer with the illness IBS which effects what I eat.

How long have you had your allergies?

I’ve had them my whole life, but only discovered I was dairy intolerant when I was going into my teens and dairy products started making me feel really sick, even in small amounts like a drop of milk in coffee.

What's it like to live with your allergies?

It feels pretty normal now because you get used to it. But it was always awkward going to a friends house when I was younger because I had to get my parents to make sure I wouldn’t be given anything seafood. I always felt like an inconvenience as well having allergies as I felt like I was always having to rearrange where we’d go out for dinner too.

Do you miss any foods in particular?

No, I don’t miss anything because there’s some really good alternatives about.

How tricky is it being a student and juggling your allergies?

I don’t find it hard at all, I cook everything from scratch all the time and bulk cook so I know my meals are always free from my allergies. I don’t eat like a typical student because of my allergies, I think that will probably help me as I get older.

What is the most common mistake people make with your allergies?

Oddly enough there’s loads of condiments that contain seafood out there. People don’t read ingredients unless it’s right in front of them. Worcester Sauce contains Anchovies for example, yet people wouldn’t necessarily look for that. So if they are making a meal and use these ingredients, I have to decline the meal and then I feel rude, but it’s for my own health.

What advice would you give to people who have allergic friends/relatives/family?

If you have allergies, learn how to cook! It can be really fun and it will be so beneficial for you in the long run.


Maisie's Menu for the day:

Breakfast: I’ll eat something like dairy free yogurt with fruit, but I rarely eat breakfast. I use oat milk in my coffee and tea etc.

Lunch: I make fresh vegetable soups myself and take them with me in a container. If I want something different I make my own falafels from scratch!

Dinner: I make different dishes from scratch and sometimes just substitute some of the ingredients for dairy free ones. My favourite recipe to make is Chickpea and Spinach Curry


If talk of a Chickpea and Spinach Curry made your stomach rumble, don't worry as she also shared her recipe with us, read it below!


Chickpea and Spinach Curry:


  • Half Can chick peas

  • Table Spoon Tikka Masala Paste

  • One tin tomatoes

  • One can coconut cream

  • A broccoli

  • One pepper

  • Half a bag of spinach

  • 1 tea spoon cumin

  • 1 tea spoon garam masala

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 onion


1. Chop and wash all of your vegetables and move into a large saucepan on medium heat. You don’t need to use oil to cook them, you can just use a tea spoon of water to help get the vegetables along for a healthier curry.

2. Put your chickpeas into a microwaveable jug and heat them up for seven minutes until they are soft. This is the quickest way to get them soft.

3. Crush the garlic and put it into the same pan as the vegetables and they will absorb the flavour.

4. Once the chickpeas have finished microwaving, add to the same pan. Then you want to add the tikka masala paste and stir all together. By this point, your vegetables should be soft.

5. Add the tinned tomatoes, garam masala and cumin and simmer for half an hour until the thickness increases.

6. When it’s at a thick consistency, add the coconut cream and half a can (use the tinned tomato can) of water. Keep simmering for around 45 minutes, and ten minutes towards the end add your spinach to wilt.

7. It should be at a decent consistency and you can serve with anything you like. I like to serve with basmati rice and naan, but you could even have it on its own. Enjoy!



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